Thursday, November 28, 2013

Terrible Character of the Week

One of the things I’m trying out is my “Terrible Character of the Week”, which may not actually be weekly, and in the case of my first post, we may see her every week.. I just hate her that much. It’s less prose, more rant, I hope you enjoy.

This  week’s “Terrible Character of the Week” goes to Skye from Agents of SHIELD. There are not enough ways for me to express just how much I hate this character. From the very first episode she’s presented to us as a 1337 H4X0|2. I understand actual computer hacking isn’t as exciting as the way it’s portrayed in media, but it’s also not magic. Skye’s able to hack SHIELD, which seems it should be pretty on top of things given all the tech they have at their disposal. She was also very clean for someone who lives in a van. She’s immediately allowed to be a part of Agent Coulson’s team despite having very huge connections to terrorists or whatever the Rising Tide is (they’re not mentioned much lately). I’m quite sure the CIA wouldn’t just let me join the organisation off the street, and even less so if I had ties to criminal organisations. Early on in the series we even see her exchanging messages with the Rising Tide while on the SHIELD plane. Did they not check her phone before hand? Monitor her in any way? SHIELD is portrayed as immensely incompetent and Skye borders on Mary Sue. Thankfully in later episodes they haven’t been focusing on her as the main character as much, but it’s still glaring that this show is less Agents of SHIELD and more Skye and Co.

She will never get killed off, but I tune in every week hoping anyway.

It is now in your mind that if Agents of SHIELD stays on the air and Skye remains an integral part of the cast, she will most likely end up as part of the movieverse.

Only the dead shall know peace from the hell that is Skye’s character.

Thus ends the first instalment of “Terrible Character of the Week”, but it might easily become “Carlo’s weekly rant about how much he hates Skye and hope she goes the way of Ben Parker really, really soon”.


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