Friday, November 29, 2013


“Welcome to the world of Pokemon!”

For years this has been the familiar greeting to each installment of the Pokemon franchise. Since the very beginning, aside from catching them all, Pokemon has been about trying to build the strongest team you can.

One of the factors in building these teams was the IV, or Individual Value, mechanic. Individual Values are what make each Pokemon unique within a species. For example, two Pikachu’s will very rarely have the same stats, this is because of each Pikachu’s Individual Values. One of the Pikachu’s may have a higher Speed Individual Value making it faster, while the other may have a higher Attack Individual Value making it hit harder.

However, competitive field changed once the breeding mechanic was introduced in Generation 2. This mechanic allowed trainers to breed two Pokemon together to create a low level Pokemon with characteristics from both of the parents whether it be moves, or more importantly to the meta game IVs. For example, lets take the two Pikachu’s we discussed earlier, the Speed IV Pikachu and the Attack IV Pikachu. If you take the two and breed them together you will eventually get a Pikachu with BOTH a high Speed and Attack IV.

This brings us to our main point of discussion, Poke-genics. That is the recent trend of breeding perfect IV Pokemon for competitive play. Rather than being used to differentiate Pokemon IV’s have now become something of a measuring stick. That is to say only Pokemon with 5 to 6 out of 6 IVs have become the only viable Pokemon in competitive play. So the IV Mechanic has been transformed, rather than being a way to make every individual Pokemon unique, IVs have become a standard to which all Pokemon must conform too, or be rendered effectively useless.

This mechanic has tainted the game in a way. Rather than being a game about catching a team of your favorite Pokemon and growing attached to them by training them in ways that compliment their unique attributes; Pokemon has become a game of competitive Eugenics where the winner isn’t the one who has learned the best way to train a team according to its strengths, but who has better bred a cookie cutter set of Pokemon that has been determined to be the most viable.

So, if it were up to me, how would we go about fixing this? I’ve devised two solutions. The first involves making bred Pokemon weaker. One way to do this is to limit the number of perfect IVs that can be passed on. So instead of allowing 5 IVs to be passed down via the destiny knot, you make it 3 and force the other three to be randomly generated. You could also limit the natures available to bred Pokemon to the neutral ones, forcing players to choose between 5-6 perfect IVs or 2-3 perfect IVs with the chance of one IV receiving an additional boost from natures.

The other way we could address this is by strengthening unbred or wild Pokemon. The way we could achieve this is by guaranteeing a minimum of 2 perfect IVs in the wild, as we’ve seen implemented in the Friend Safari, and also making Hidden Abilities exclusive to wild Pokemon. That would mean that passing Hidden Abilities via breeding would be made impossible.

So my final thoughts?

Am I a fan of IV breeding Pokemon?

Would I like Gamefreak to address this situation?

Yes because it hurts what I believe was the intended purpose of the mechanic

Will they do anything about it?

Probably not considering the direction they’ve taken this Generation in making IV Breeding easier.


Kill la Kill

Things I've Been Looking Forward to this Thanksgiving Weekend:

  • Properly EV training a Garchomp, Tyranitar, and Greninja.
  • Seeing the family and stuffing my face with food (for 'Murka).
  • Watching my brothers in the Ohio State vs. Michigan game.
  • Catching up on muh Kill la Kill.
I love this anime.  No seriously, I LOVE this show.  Definitely my favorite program debuting this season.  And from the chatter I've heard on a few of my favorite forums, many of you agree.  So when I'm told to write a post about an on going anime, only one came to mind.

Sorry "Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai", you were a close second.

New shows can be so hit or miss sometimes, but I often find myself going back to the studios who don't wrong me every few months.  It's no secret that I  ADORED both Panty and Stocking and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, so when I heard that the creative minds behind those shows jumped ship to Studio Trigger, I was quick to watch Little Witch Academia, which I also enjoyed.  But with the amount of hype Kill la Kill received over the summer, I went in as I so often do--skeptical.  But I'm happy to say that six episodes in, this show has not disappointed.

Kill la Kill takes place at Honnouji Academy, a school atop a massive mountain town run by an all powerful student council which itself is controlled by its autocratic president, Satsuki Kiryuin. Each member of the council wear special uniforms called Goku Uniforms that grant them superhuman abilities (reminiscent of the "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, which they use to oppress the rest of the school's students and staff.

"Why else would we wear these stupid costumes?"

Enter the protagonist, Ryuko Matoi.  This transfer student to the academy has a personal vendetta against Kiryuin, who she suspects knows something about the death of her father.  In the first episode, “If Only I Had Thorns Like A Thistle…” Ryuko is easily outclassed by a member of the student council wearing a special uniform, despite being a notable fighter in her own right, wielding a giant scissor sword.

As fate would have it, Ryuko would stumble upon a special uniform created by her father called a Kamui, which is a talking sailor fuku that is fueled by the wearer's blood... made of Life Fibers of concentrated human souls... it makes a lot more sense when you watch the show...

Director Hiroyuki Imaishi's influence is prevalent in this series, as Kill la Kill feels very much like one of his older projects in Gurren Lagann.  With over the top visuals and stories, the combat sequences, though scaled down from universe sized shurikens, feel just as grandiose and important. 

Much smaller...

Is it weird that despite how much I love this show, I'm more interested in seeing the Ryuko cosplayers this summer? For better or worse.

Know your limits!

But what do you think about Kill la Kill? And what else do you want to see me talk about on the blog or on YouTube? Send me your feedback to my twitter!

-  BW

What Should have been a November Loot Crate Review

I wanted to review this month’s Loot Crate* for you guys, but still isn’t here. It shipped over a week ago, which is a bit annoying, and I hope it finds its way to me soon. Loot Crate has a really cool product for those who are of the geeky/gamer set, which of course is pretty much anyone who reads this blog. I’ve been a subscriber to Loot Crate for three months now and the past two crates have been pretty fun. The September crate was based on western animation, save for a Pikachu sticker being the lone anime representative. In it I got a Stimpy doll, which my dog loves. There was also a vinyl Ninja Turtle, an Over 9,000 sticker, and a Futurama keychain. Not the greatest, but it was god. Oh, and there was a Star Wars magnet for some reason, as Star Wars isn’t generally animation. The October crate was fantastic. It had the Max Brooks zombie survival guide, which I hadn't owned. It had a few buttons, a zombie themed valentine’s card that creeped out my qt 3.14 gf, and the best part of all: a t shirt that was a cross between Star Wars and Walking Dead, it was Ewoking Dead with zombie Ewoks on it. It’s since become one of my favourite T’s. Because of this I’m really interested to see what I get whenever the November crate gets here so I can write up a review article for you all.

Hopefully it’ll be in Amherst some time this week!

*This post is not sponsored by Loot Crate but if they want to give me a free subscription to shill their company I am more than happy to sell out my journalist integrity for free merch, wink wink


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Terrible Character of the Week

One of the things I’m trying out is my “Terrible Character of the Week”, which may not actually be weekly, and in the case of my first post, we may see her every week.. I just hate her that much. It’s less prose, more rant, I hope you enjoy.

This  week’s “Terrible Character of the Week” goes to Skye from Agents of SHIELD. There are not enough ways for me to express just how much I hate this character. From the very first episode she’s presented to us as a 1337 H4X0|2. I understand actual computer hacking isn’t as exciting as the way it’s portrayed in media, but it’s also not magic. Skye’s able to hack SHIELD, which seems it should be pretty on top of things given all the tech they have at their disposal. She was also very clean for someone who lives in a van. She’s immediately allowed to be a part of Agent Coulson’s team despite having very huge connections to terrorists or whatever the Rising Tide is (they’re not mentioned much lately). I’m quite sure the CIA wouldn’t just let me join the organisation off the street, and even less so if I had ties to criminal organisations. Early on in the series we even see her exchanging messages with the Rising Tide while on the SHIELD plane. Did they not check her phone before hand? Monitor her in any way? SHIELD is portrayed as immensely incompetent and Skye borders on Mary Sue. Thankfully in later episodes they haven’t been focusing on her as the main character as much, but it’s still glaring that this show is less Agents of SHIELD and more Skye and Co.

She will never get killed off, but I tune in every week hoping anyway.

It is now in your mind that if Agents of SHIELD stays on the air and Skye remains an integral part of the cast, she will most likely end up as part of the movieverse.

Only the dead shall know peace from the hell that is Skye’s character.

Thus ends the first instalment of “Terrible Character of the Week”, but it might easily become “Carlo’s weekly rant about how much he hates Skye and hope she goes the way of Ben Parker really, really soon”.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

King of the Hill Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot Review

     I’m still not sure how I want to handle the reviews for King of the Hill in a retrospective. Do I want them to just be a few paragraphs, or do I want them to be #LONGFORM which seems to be SB Nation’s fetish lately? Maybe I just want to make a bunch of bullets, or just publish the bullet point notes I take on the episodes so I have something to look back on when I review them. I guess we will see how this shapes up as we make our way through all 13 seasons and 259 episodes… or until I (or you) get bored with it and stop reviewing them all together.

     It’s probably worth noting before we get into the review of the pilot why I’m doing King of the Hill for a retrospective and not some other things like the Simpsons. I could easily go through the Golden Years of the show, but the AV Club is already doing a fantastic job of it as it is. I guess I could have done South Park, but please don’t hate me, I’ve never really been into it. King of the Hill is great though, I don’t know many people who disliked it. You really either liked it, or were indifferent, I never knew anyone who said they hated it. It’s not as quotable as some of the other shows, save for a few catchphrases, but I love it still.

    Anyway, I’ve stalled long enough, let’s go back to 1997.

     The show opens with Hank, Bill, Dale, and Boomhauer working on Hank’s truck. As with all pilots, the presentation isn't fully set. The show doesn’t exactly know what it wants to be yet. Early on we see that Hank is the main character, and it sets his friends and family around him. We get he’s an honest, hard working man who loves his family. His love of his son is actually the focal point of the pilot as Bobby is hit in the face with a baseball and word gets around that Hank beats him.
     The fact that Hank is quick to anger and shouting doesn’t exactly help his case. He’s seen yelling at a Mega Lo Mart worker, who will later be a minor character in Buckley, and people begin to spread rumours that he’s abusive. A twiggy, out of touch with the locals DSS worker who we learn is from LA is dispatched to evaluate the case. Naturally this doesn’t look good for Hank as Peggy has a baseball related head injury when he arrives to the Hill residence.
     After a monologue touching on values, family, and being a hardworking man Hank rests his case. The DSS worker isn’t convinced but his boss is, and so the inquiry is dropped. Bobby answers the phone when DSS calls and decides to not tell his parents the case is closed in order to do whatever he wants and use the threat of being taken away as leverage. Soon Peggy finds out what Bobby is doing and tells Hank. This leads to hank having to overcome one of his greatest fears: talking about his feelings. Hank speaks to Bobby in the backyard at the end of the show eventually working his feelings out to tell his son that he loves him, he's proud of him, and even though everything else has disappointed him in this world, his son never has. It was a happy close to the first episode.

Thoughts and Observations:
  • Luanne is invited to move in with the Hills, which pretty much sets up she never leaves
  • Dale’s first conspiracy is Global Warming… GLOBAL Warming
  • Nancy leaves to see John Redcorn for a “migraine treatment” and we see Joseph shortly after, heavily implying Dale’s son isn’t quite Dale’s
  • Peggy drops the fact Hank has a narrow Urethra completely unprovoked in conversation with the DSS worker, Hank is visibly displeased by this
  • Ladybird bites the DSS worker’s car but is yet to be named
  • Cotton, my all time favourite KotH character, is introduced via flashback. I cannot wait to write about his first real appearance.
  • And lastly, as far as I could tell, Hank doesn’t mention working at Strickland in the pilot 


So after easily two months of procrastinating and Pokemon inbreeding, I've finally decided to get into this blog game amongst other things and this is my first official post.

For the five of you that were linked to this e-diary by means other than my twitter account, allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Brennan Williams and I am the biggest nerd you know.  Literally.  At 6'7 and 330 lbs, I have yet to encounter one bigger.  I'm an avid comic book reader, pro-wrestling watcher, sci-fi enjoyer, live action roleplayer, and and all around Japanophile.  I guess the only reason I have more than ten twitter followers (consisting of my mom and some D&D buddies) is because I am also a professional football player, wrapping up my first season with the Houston Texans.

I've found myself with ample free time due to spending my first season on the IR.  For the uninitiated,  IR is a fancy term for too hurt to play this season--and with this down time, I vowed to do something cool.  Something that other people can get involved with.  So with the time that I am not working out, studying football, or working with charity, I have decided to start a YouTube channel and a blog to better communicate with all of these people who suddenly have an interest in me.

The GREATBLACKBLOG, which I have taken to calling it is a little place for my friends and I to talk about stuff that might not warrant an entire YouTube episode.  We keep it light.  And if you ever wanted to hear what a big black guy has to say about who is favorite member of Ho-kago Tea Time is, or which Oreimo is best, this is the place for you.

Also if you are feeling charitable, check out my charity and buy some "73 GREAT" merch at

Proceeds go to benefit youth activities like the Boys and Girls Club in Houston.