Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Hola Otaku faithful, I know we've been gone for a while but your favorite member has returned to the Blog with a new series for you, GREATBLACKBlog reviews Google Glass. Last week I applied to become a Google Glass Explorer. The application was fairly simple name, e-mail, address, and where and how I intended to use it. A week later I received an e-mail saying I had been approved to become an Explorer.

There is my gorgeous mug with my Google Glass Explorer Edition 2.0. I chose the white model because I'm a sucker for sci-fi tropes, future things HAVE to be white duh. It does come in a couple different colors, there's the white, black, grey, blue, and tangerine. There are also a number of frames you can stick onto the front, however unless you need the prescription lenses I don't think they warrant the $225 a pop. Now after my initial trials I think there are a few things worth noting, the first is that the Google Glass DOES NOT operate on the LTE of the connected device , meaning you either need a wifi connection or the ability to turn your phone into a hotspot to be able to use it to its full extent. It should also be noted that your contacts do not transfer unless you have them linked to a Google account, since I have an Iphone this proved to be a pain so I made account for the important people and synced them to our next subject. MyGlass, the Google Glass companion app, while the app is entirely functional I've always had trouble using Google stuff on my Iphone, the interface is extremely sensitive and feels wonky. Aside from that the interface itself is really fun, I was happy to find out the hands free "wink to take pictures" is actually totally functional and doesn't trigger every time you blink I was also really happy to find out Google's voice control is a lot more accurate than Siri. I also made a phone call on it in its vanilla state which worked fine, and again with the earpiece included with it and that was even better. All in all my only real issue with the hardware was that it seems to need very good lighting, especially since my room is generally dimly lit. All in all I'm very happy with the product, BUT and its a big but, we must address the elephant in the room, the $1500 price-tag for this early access model is pretty steep, I would definitely suggest waiting for the retail model, but if you're a technophile like me, it could be worth it if you get accepted to be an explorer.

If you wanna keep up with my discoveries playing around with Google Glass feel free to subscribe to my twitter, @MoMoneyBillson or just stay tuned with to the blog I plan on doing an in depth Google Glass App review once I get a chance to test a whole bunch out.


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