Thursday, December 26, 2013

Comic Book Post 12/26/2013

Hola Otaku-faithful, as you may or may not have noticed there was no New Comic Book Day Review this past Wednesday. The reasons being 1.) since Wednesday was Christmas, New Comic Book Day was Tuesday 2.) very little was released, due to Christmas so it wasn't worth a trip to the comic shop. So in lieu of a comic book review I'll do a post on a general topic:

 This is Cyclops; and this is why he's WRONG

For those of you who are fans of Marvel, especially the X-men series Cyclops has become a subject of a lot of controversy.  Many people point to last years Avengers vs X-men event as the point where Cyclops "changed". However, these changes in Cyclops began much earlier, I would say as early as the time right before Marvel's Dark Reign event and reaching their peak during the establishment of Utopia, Cyclops' Mutant Capitol.

So what exactly is so wrong with Cyclops? Many people say his actions during Avengers vs X-men where his master plan of "HURR DURR LETS CONTROL PHOENIX FORCE CAUSE IT ALWAYS WORKS OUT SO WELL! MUH M-DAY! MUH HOPE SUMMERS! MUH MUTANT UTOPIA!" However, I'm going to disregard this maybe it was all just an episode of poor judgement brought about by desperation, or even some kind of fancy ruse carried out by the Phoenix Force itself (despite the fact that these actions are in character for the Scott Summers I've come to know and dislike). I am also going to disregard his murder of Professor X, the man who raised and taught him, and chalk that one up to Phoenix Force madness.

Instead let's look at the ideology Cyclops had adopted which would result in the establishment of the island of Utopia. Scott seemingly adopted the idea that mutants where inherently superior to normal humans, and that they deserved to have a home of their own, free from humans. So much so that he goes around recruiting(kidnapping) mutants he perceives to be able to improve his Utopia. Sound familiar?

You may say, what's wrong with that, the Marvel universe has always treated Mutants terribly. Maybe Cyclops is right. Me and my good friend The Wolverine would simply reply by saying

That's right, Cyclops is so wrong that Wolverine is the voice of reason in this scenario... The Wolverine is the voice of reason in this scenario, in case that didn't sink in James "Logan" "The Wolverine" "Sniktbub" "I'm Going To Stab You In The Face With My Adamantium Claws Because I'm A Canadian Weaboo" Howlett is the voice of reason in this scenario. Even Scott's younger brother Havok, a former member of the Brotherhood, devout follower of Magneto somehow manages to have a more positive outlook/ goal for mutant kind. Rather than strive for a world where mutants live separate and superior to humans Havok decides to work with the Avengers after the events of AvX to create a world where there is no difference between men and mutants, a world where the distinction doesn't exist, the world that Scott Summer's murdered mentor Professor X had worked for. 

While the Cyclops of the past may have been a cool guy who shot Punches from the Punch Dimension out of his eyes. He has basically become Magneto 2.0 except much less likeable and much more WRONG. So in closing enjoy this picture of Iron Patriot giving Cyclops a much deserved helping of FREEDOM.  

Let me know in the comments if you agree/had your mind changed about Cyclops (lets be honest, no one actually thinks Cyclops was Right) and remember to share this on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ if you want to see more content like this.

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