Monday, December 30, 2013

Raw Review 12/30/2013

Hola Otaku-Faithful and welcome to yet another installment of our weekly RAW review. This is the third fifth installment so you guys know the drill, lets get right into it
Punk Promo


-WOW PUNK IS A GUY JUST LIKE ME… EXCEPT RICH… and doing what I wish I could do for a living… this comparison isn’t really holding up anymore

-Yup your year was 2011/2012



-please Dean muh respek for US Title, Why you throw? where is my WWE Universe Zodiac

-Dean please go we all know Rollins is the best

-CM Punk please stahp muh JUSTICE



CM Punk vs Seth Rollins

-Sweet throwback yellow trunks on Punk

-I hope they keep Shield break up on the slow burn like they’ve been on, commentary makes this sentiment seem unlikely


-Dean wielding the US Belt MNM Style


-Seth Rollins has been having some great matches recently, I hope they push him hard coming out of the Shield

-I’m hoping Rollins just barely pulls out the win so all can remain JUSTICE with the world



-Shield’s greatest strength is their use of facial expressions its high tier

-CONTINUITY! Rollins finally learns how to dodge that Roundhouse after getting hit with it every night

-Wasn’t a fan of that sell on the clothesline

-All dose facial expressions

-Dat Pack Mentality

-Dat JBL being a two-faced git

-I never got the cross body roll through counter, wouldn’t it still hurt?



-This isn’t good guys, who will enforce my JUSTICE without Shield


AUTHORITAH and Daniel Bryan Segment

-Brad Maddox making all these PPV tier matches

-I am impressed too Stephanie Mcmahon

-Steph if this is anything other than “The Royal Rumble” you’re wrong, objectively wrong. The main event of The Royal Rumble is The Royal Rumble

Steph Announces The Royal Rumble

-Thank you Dear Leaders of WWE Authority, you have never been wrong and are worth of all praise

-A montage FOR THE KING \__O____/



-Also, Steph was wrong, Main Event is The Royal Rumble


Steph Walking in Hallway

-implying Randy Orton vs John Cena #289387389287329938 is a big announcement

-Time for HHH to GO OVER

Curtis Axel vs Dolph Ziggler

-Curtis Axel please get off my TV until you learn how to cut a promo

-Ziggler please don’t become Kofi 2.0 Mid-card Jobber for life



-I don’t have high hopes for this match

-Axel isn’t even that bad in the ring, its just I don’t care at all about him, he has given me no reason to


-hopefully this is a sign of an upturn for Ziggler

-that was a great match but I wish I had been invested in it




-Summer Rae please

-This is one of those matches where I would be more hype if I hadn’t already seen it a couple times

-Gosh Dang Big E moves really well for a guy his size


-OHHHR INDIAN DEATHLOCK, I always loved this move glad to see it being used

-This mat wrestling

-muh obligatory mentioning Anderson Silva’s mangled leg


Booker T and PTP

-I feel like this segment may be a little racist




-2deep4me Wade

-2muchtruth4me Wade

-No Spinarooni4me

Sandow and QT3.16 Renee

-Sandow laying down some truth



-Oh god this is gunna be really bad isn’t it

-Why is Khali still employed he’s in such bad shape right now


-Shut Up Maggel

-Am I bad person for thinking the Miz would have been a better choice than Khali…



-Eh this seems like filler

-I like how Woods actually pays attention to the match during commentary, Michael and King should take notes

-Monster Brodus should be good

-I think the slower methodical psychology works better for Brodus vs the fast dance-y squashes

-Woods putting Brodus over despite him being a heel, commentary should take notes





-I guess this makes sense, Triple H puts bad blood with Orton Aside, he can do it with Bork too

-Its best for business


-I like that Bork Shirt




-OH SNAP this is like Godzilla vs King Kong


-those screams are terrifying


-Well that made all the terrible stuff I just waded through worth it

Divas Match

-Thank goodness that's over

More Authoritah and Brad Maddox



Daniel Bryan vs Wyatt Family Gauntlet Match

-Eh I'm not as hype for this match as I should be, should be good though


-This should be a great match as I've said I enjoy big vs little guy match-ups



-I like that Gator Roll



-Zack Ryder Sign Sighting








-Rowan please don't kill the Daniel





-Bray's tattoos always make me think he's bleeding



-That could have had a cooler finish in my opinion, but I guess its fair considering 3 on 1



-I like this promo



Jerry's Final Thoughts

-Lackluster RAW, I was hoping for more for the last show of the year

-Highlights for me include Punk vs Rollins, The Opening Promo, The Gauntlet Match, Brad Maddox being a scummy brown nose, Bork Laser return/Pterodactyl Calls, and Bad News Barrett

-Low Points just about everything else, Khali vs Sandow Divas match, Brodus vs Truth

-Honorable Mention Axel vs Ziggler was a technically great match but there was no reason to care about it

-Sign of the Night: "I CU 2 Much"

-All in all a very middling RAW you'd be better off watching the RAW Rebound on Smackdown which has been amazing the past few weeks.

GREATBLACKBLOG ep. 1: Angry Whoppers?

Check it out and spread the word!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Comic Book Post 12/26/2013

Hola Otaku-faithful, as you may or may not have noticed there was no New Comic Book Day Review this past Wednesday. The reasons being 1.) since Wednesday was Christmas, New Comic Book Day was Tuesday 2.) very little was released, due to Christmas so it wasn't worth a trip to the comic shop. So in lieu of a comic book review I'll do a post on a general topic:

 This is Cyclops; and this is why he's WRONG

For those of you who are fans of Marvel, especially the X-men series Cyclops has become a subject of a lot of controversy.  Many people point to last years Avengers vs X-men event as the point where Cyclops "changed". However, these changes in Cyclops began much earlier, I would say as early as the time right before Marvel's Dark Reign event and reaching their peak during the establishment of Utopia, Cyclops' Mutant Capitol.

So what exactly is so wrong with Cyclops? Many people say his actions during Avengers vs X-men where his master plan of "HURR DURR LETS CONTROL PHOENIX FORCE CAUSE IT ALWAYS WORKS OUT SO WELL! MUH M-DAY! MUH HOPE SUMMERS! MUH MUTANT UTOPIA!" However, I'm going to disregard this maybe it was all just an episode of poor judgement brought about by desperation, or even some kind of fancy ruse carried out by the Phoenix Force itself (despite the fact that these actions are in character for the Scott Summers I've come to know and dislike). I am also going to disregard his murder of Professor X, the man who raised and taught him, and chalk that one up to Phoenix Force madness.

Instead let's look at the ideology Cyclops had adopted which would result in the establishment of the island of Utopia. Scott seemingly adopted the idea that mutants where inherently superior to normal humans, and that they deserved to have a home of their own, free from humans. So much so that he goes around recruiting(kidnapping) mutants he perceives to be able to improve his Utopia. Sound familiar?

You may say, what's wrong with that, the Marvel universe has always treated Mutants terribly. Maybe Cyclops is right. Me and my good friend The Wolverine would simply reply by saying

That's right, Cyclops is so wrong that Wolverine is the voice of reason in this scenario... The Wolverine is the voice of reason in this scenario, in case that didn't sink in James "Logan" "The Wolverine" "Sniktbub" "I'm Going To Stab You In The Face With My Adamantium Claws Because I'm A Canadian Weaboo" Howlett is the voice of reason in this scenario. Even Scott's younger brother Havok, a former member of the Brotherhood, devout follower of Magneto somehow manages to have a more positive outlook/ goal for mutant kind. Rather than strive for a world where mutants live separate and superior to humans Havok decides to work with the Avengers after the events of AvX to create a world where there is no difference between men and mutants, a world where the distinction doesn't exist, the world that Scott Summer's murdered mentor Professor X had worked for. 

While the Cyclops of the past may have been a cool guy who shot Punches from the Punch Dimension out of his eyes. He has basically become Magneto 2.0 except much less likeable and much more WRONG. So in closing enjoy this picture of Iron Patriot giving Cyclops a much deserved helping of FREEDOM.  

Let me know in the comments if you agree/had your mind changed about Cyclops (lets be honest, no one actually thinks Cyclops was Right) and remember to share this on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ if you want to see more content like this.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas RAW Review!

After braving the savage wastelands that were Toys R Us and Best Buy two days before Christmas, I am rewarded with the responsibility of writing the review for the RAW Christmas Special, because no good deed goes unpunished.  And while I'll maintain that 90% of the shoppers shopping the week before Christmas are scumbags (another blogpost for another day), I have little time to dwell on the atrocities I was forced to witness, because RAW IS ON! 

"Something is very wrong with the good Santa..."

-  I get why these Christmas episodes exist, seeing as the product is geared toward children now.  At least this year's installment of Raw Christmas looks to have a better storyline than "face Del Rio runs over Santa".

-  Kane pls stop... what are you even...  I honestly didn't mind the Libertarian Kane angle... but they've done so little with it it's kind of sad.

-  The card actually looks decent tonight.  Maybe the matches will make up for the Christmas puns.

-  I forgot that RAW wasn't live tonight.  The prerecorded cheers and boos reminded me.  Are they even trying to make it sound like a sound effect?

-  We hate Cena guy pls go.  You are the worst kind of fan.

-  WWEWH Champion.  Do they see how silly that looks.

-  Kane still has superpowers.

-  12 Divas Jingle Belles match...

Start the Divas stopwatch.

- At least we'll get AJ emasculating the announce team.

- K8lyn wearing camo because TEXAS.

- Quick tags, great tag team fundamentals.

-  AJ pls.

-  This spot... pls stop... no... the crowd is booing...

-  I don't know why but I always feel like these hair brained Diva's spots are Natalya's ideas.

3 minutes and 40 seconds too long.

-  Good start, who can keep this momentum going?

- >more miles than Santa clause... WWE stahp.

- Magical runes in that tattoo gave Sin Cara the ability to speak english.

- We know, Sin Cara had a comic in Mexico.  We know how to use the app.  Die Cole Die.

-  JBL using the same bad jokes every week is making me not like him.  And not in the heel sort of way.

-  I'm actually about to put my TV on mute.

-  Hunico isn't as mobile as Mistico was but he's much more consistent.  Also, I don't think Hunico runs with a gang of masked luchadores. 

Pic related, it's Mistico and his thugs.

-  Now normally, in the event of a Smackdown review, we here at GREATBLACKBLOG have our Vomit chans locked and loaded.  However last week, Smackdown was better than RAW.  Hopefully this becomes a trend.

-  Why is bad Santa homeless?

-  Big Show: from main events to diapers in only a month.

"I'm not Dave Batista"

-  I wish they could have kept the Batista thing under wraps... I love Big Dave and would have marked my dreads off if I didn't see it coming.


-  I actually saw TLC live, and the Wyatts are only cooler in person.  I'm interested to see where they actually go with this, but odds are it goes nowhere and leads to Daniel Bryan losing to Sheamus at Wrestlemania in 18 seconds again.

-  Wait a minute... are Smackdown stories overflowing onto RAW? 

-  Never got a chance to say it, but Goldust was AMAING at TLC.  The fact that he's busting out new moves at his age is a testament to just how good he is, and the opportunity WWE missed with him before.  Hurricanranas?  Not even "The Natural" Dustin Runnels did that!

(just kidding I love you Bray...)

-  Honestly, I wouldn't mind if DBD joined the Wyatt family.  So long as he starts caving peoples heads in again, I'm down for anything.


-  I had Taco Bell yesterday.  It was a mistake.

-  I get a serious case of beard envy watching this match.  All I can ever grow is this crappy goatee.  Lord only knows I would have rock a full on Hollywood Hogan.  BROTHER.



-  "Daniel Bryan has small nipples."  "I wonder if they're actually friends in real life."  "That black haired guy is so regular." "Does he have a third nipple?" #stuffmygfsaysduringraw


-  I love how Bray made sure to still get a peck on the forehead before doing Sister Abigale.  Very fun match.

-  DAH

-  DAH?

- DAH.

-  What do I have to do to get WWE to send me a title?

-  I'm blaming JBL and Cole for killing Wade Barret's career.

-  Singing contest.  This can only go well.


-  If this was 2002, Troof and Woods would have had to have beat Brodus Clay for the Funkadactyl's contracts.

-  Renee Young is a qtp2t though.

-  Gran Khalil may be the most confused person on the planet.  I guess it has been about seven years since the Eugene gimmick.

-  Christmas present on a pole match?


-  That feel when you've caught up to RAW and have to watch commercials.  HARD TIMES DADDEH.

- I don't even want to watch this.  This time last year Dolph was beating Cenee in the PPV main event.  I'm not going to watch this.  Onto /wooo/ I go.

-  And I'm back.

-  Tribute to the Troops has always been one of my favorite annual events.  To bad it comes off as super forced in these commercials.  Or maybe I'm over critical.  Or maybe they made me this way.

- Kevin Hart is in too many things.  I guess you have to ride the lighting while you are hot.

-  I could always tell the Bella's apart (even before crisis) but I honestly can't tell the Usos apart.

-  Austin pls...

-  The THIS IS AUSTIN spot is pretty funny.  I lol'd.

-  Yes, you too could stop wrestling and become a superstar actor like The Rock!

-  I'm going to go ahead and not watch this too.

-  Well RAW is starting to drag on.  Main even should be good though.

-  Cena Punk Big E promo was fun.  Felt very old school, kind of felt like the mega powers.  I let out a chortle.

Big E is Miss Elizabeth...

-  I just noticed that Cesaro's jacket says Tony and Swagger's says Big Hoss. BAHAHA.

-  This match...

-  Los Matadores haven't lost on Christmas week...


- Kofi coming out for what I can only assume as filler.  As long as the Miz stays off my TV we'll be alright.

-  Roybeck ween.

I hope they build Ryback to be fed to Batista.

-  The SHEEL looks united again.  I'm glad that they appear to be going with a very slow burn to their break up.  They deserve better than breaking up on a whim.

-  Don't let me down, main event.  I've suffered through so much.

-  Reigns is a perfect example of how much someone can improve without anyone noticing if you surround them with the right people and book them properly.  Looking forward to watching him eliminate 20 guys at the Royal Rumble.

Punk loves round housing Dean.

-  Big 5 is the hot tag and nearly won the match... is this... the rise of 5???

-  Another DQ finish to RAW.

-  A pretty exciting finish to RAW,

Christmas RAW is a necessary evil, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  If anything, reviewing these shows makes me realize how freaking long these three hour shows are.  To me... it just too long and too much filler.  Like a shonen anime.  I very much prefer the one our format of NXT or even the two hour format of Smackdown.  

But what do you think?  Is RAW unbearably long?  Or should it be longer?? And what did you think of this year's Christmas edition of Monday Night RAW?  Let us know! Leave a comment or send a tweet!

- BW

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New Comic Day Review 12/18/13

Greetings and Salutations, welcome back to the GREATBLACK Comic Review. This was a light week for me but this was probably one of my best hauls in a while. So without further ado lets get this review underway.
The Superior Spider-Man #25 (ongoing)
Writer: Dan Slott
Artist: Humberto Ramos

I'm a big fan of the Superior Spider-Man run, but as of late the pacing has been all wonky in the books and this issue revs that wonky pacing to the max. Here we see that the Venom Symbiote has attached itself to Spock (Spider-man/Doc Ock), after removing it from Flash Thompson last issue, and Spock declares himself "THE SSSSSSSSSSSSSUPERIOR VENOM". Now here is where things get wonky/rushed. Spock rushes out, attacking Cardiac and Flash and then proceeds to beat up a whole bunch of street level thugs, a couple D-List Villains, and yell at Aunt May (;_;). Oh yeah, and if that wasn't a lot to cram into an issue, The Green Goblin and his Goblin Army are doing stuff too, and Carlie got sprayed with the Goblin Serum... To be honest I think the title is being rushed for some reason or another and Darkest Hour, which in my opinion should have been a two month (4-5 issue arc) has been compressed into 3 issues. Now that may be an editorial complaint but Slott has definitely not dealt with the issue properly and his characterization of Spock has become almost random, and basically forced to fit into whatever he needs it to be rather than keep it consistent. Over all, I feel like this issue has been another step down from the fun that used to be "Spock's Wild Ride".
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #8 (ongoing)
Writer: Christopher Yost
Artist: Marco Checchetto

As of late this has really been the Superior Superior Spider-Man Comic. Christopher Yost seems to have a better handle on the character of Spock. However, more importantly he has a more consistent depiction of Spock's character, and the changes we do see are logical ones. In this issue we see Spock struggling with having failed in his Superior Six project and nearly destroying New York. He decides that he is an inferior Spider-man and go to the Avengers to find a way to restore Peter Parker to his body. However on the way he meets Earth's Mightiest Scumbag The Submariner Namor. Namor is currently being hunted down by Wakandan assassins. To my, and Spock's surprise Spock actually saves him, and during their face off with the assassins they discover that the assassins are actually robots, robots that are about to EXPLODE! Spock risks his life to save the day and realizes what it means to be Spider-Man, that no matter how bad things get Spider-man will always push through and save the day, and he punches that scumbag Namor in the face. While the story seems a little far-fetched the dialogues between Spock and Namor are what really shines, and along with the other issues of Superior Team-Up we get a cool little window into how Spock thinks, and we get to see him slowly but surely understand what it means to be a hero.
Scarlet Spider #25 ( FINAL)
Writer: Christopher Yost
Artist: David Baldeon

Man these Spider Family books are dropping like flies. Last month it was Venom and this one its Scarlet Spider, both of which were amazing titles that were unfortunately overshadowed by more popular titles. In this issue we see Shathra come to consume Kaine while he struggles with whether or not he is a monster or a hero. However, when the lives of his friends are put at stake he embraces his inner monster to save the day. Although he is run out of Houston as a monster, we see him now in Mexico and despite vowing never to be the hero ever again we still see him saving the day. The charm of Scarlet Spider is really its compelling main character, Kaine. One of the Clone's of Peter Parker made by the Jackal we see Kaine constantly struggling with what he thinks he is, a monster, and what he strives to be, the Scarlet Spider the mantle of his "brother" Ben Reilley, one time Spider-man and the original Scarlet Spider. This is a great story about redemption and I highly recommend picking up the trades, and if you like it fear not The Scarlet Spider will be returning in a few months as a member of the New Warriors. 
Thunderbolts (Annual)
Writers: Ben Acker and Ben Blacker
Artist: Mateo Lolli

I reviewed Thunderbolts last week and let you guys know how much I liked it and what exactly I liked about it. This issue had more of the same and with a huge face lift. Even though I never had an issue with the art in this it was nice to see a polished version of such a fun book and the story they used for this was a lot of fun. A rogue Dr Strange is forcing everyone to be nice, gang warfare has stopped, Villains are eating ice-cream with heroes, and mobsters are doing charity. Only one team can stop this, the Thunderbolts. After going on various humorous sorties to obtain magical weapons capable of combating Dr Strange and a mind-wiped visit to W.A.N.D, SHIELD's Witchcraft Alchemy and Necromancy Department, they face Dr Strange. However, it is revealed that this isn't Dr Strange but the evil fairy king whose weapon... IS JOY! As the other members of the Thunderbolts succumb to joy all seems to be lost, but what the fairy king doesn't realize is that the Punisher doesn't feel joy and blows his head off. This book had a ton of hilarious panels and a fun story I highly recommend it.

Displaying image.jpeg   

Lastly we have X-men #14, the first appearance of the Sentinel, and a mini-bust of a Sentinel. I bought this as a gift for a friend and the friendly people at my comic shop were a huge help in picking this out. I told them what my friend liked and they told me about the book, and while one of the clerks went to snag the issue another had produced the mini-bust. They cut me a sweet deal on the two and now I have a radical gift to give my friend. So let this be great reason to go to your local comic shop if you can instead of using an online service or a chain like Newbury Comics.

Well, that's it for my pull list this week. Let me know in the comments if you agree/disagree and I'm always looking for something new to read so make some suggestions as well and I'll try and get my hands on it, and remember to share this on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ if you want to see more content like this.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New Comic Day Reviews 12/11/13

Greetings and Salutations and with another Wednesday comes this weeks new releases in comics; and with this weeks new releases in comics comes the inaugural GREATBLACK Comic Review! This will essentially be just a review of all the comics I received this week, what I liked about them, and what I didn't. Just a preface to the review, my pull list is quite Marvel-heavy due to my dislike of the New 52, what I've seen as a reboot for the sole purpose of rehashing old stories, however that complaint may end up becoming a blog-post of its own. So lets cut to the chase and get reviewing!
Captain America: Living Legend #4 (of 4)
Story: Andy Diggle
Art: Agustin Alessio

The first comic on my list for this week was the final issue of this Captain America mini-series. This book has been great and I've loved every minute of it. The art is superb and has an almost cinematic feel to it, which made this mini feel really special. The story and writing were also superb throughout. Captain America is written exactly how I've seen him, a war-hero who's unfaltering moral compass and commitment to do the right thing define him. The climax of this story sees Cap face off against a ghost from his past, former Russian soldier and current dark matter manipulating monster Volkov. In the end Captain America manages to win, and also gets some commies to defect to the American way. While, the climax was great the closing panels weren't as gratifying as they should have been, but I think that was the point. In Cap's own words at the end of this issue, "Soldiers don't die, they just get reassigned."

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6 (Ongoing)
Story: Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber
Art: Rachelle Rosenberg

Superior Foes is one of my favorite books this year. Its one of the few Marvel books where entire dimensions, galaxies, universes, civilizations, cities, or even buildings are at stake. Its just about a bunch of C-List villains trying to get by, and more importantly it isn't at all afraid to be silly. The star of this book is Fred Myers, better known as the Boomerang, one of Spider-man's less fearsome villains. This issue focuses' on the aftermath of Boomerang's heist on notorious crime-boss The Owl's hideout. He has left his comrades, "The Sinister Six",  to be interrogated by The Owl. A fate which we saw only just last issue can result in death. Some of the highlights of the issue include Fred going on a date with his bartender and realizing he has met his soul-mate, Doctor Doom asking an artist to paint him like on of his French Girls, and Kawaii Tombstone. This book is definitely one of Marvel's hidden gems and is worth a look if you enjoy silly comic book shenanigans.

Mighty Avengers #4 (Ongoing)
Story:Al Ewing
Art: Greg Land

Mighty Avengers is a standard Marvel team-up book taking some popular and hot heroes, Luke Cage, Blue Marvel, and Spider-Man, and pairing them with newer characters, Power Man, White Tiger and Spectrum, as well as the mysterious Spider Hero, now Ronin, who is definitely NOT (wink wink) going to play a role in the upcoming Inhumanity event... don't mind the cover or the ominous panels of Spider Hero, no hyphen, talking to a guy in a crystal ball. This issue was mostly the introduction of some characters affected by the Terrigen Bomb from the Infinity Event, Jason Quantrell and Quickfire, members of a pharmaceutical company looking to commercialize super powers; as well as setting up some magic stuff with Spider Hero, now Ronin. Oh and Spider-Man is trying to take over the Mighty Avengers. I liked this series enough from the first two issues to pull it but this one had some flaws, one its tried to do way to much in one issue, introducing several new characters, as well as several plot lines. I do like this team a lot, and I hope they don't get lost in an effort to try and push this Inhumanity event.

Thunderbolts #19 (Ongoing)
Story: Charles Soule
Art: Gabriel Hernandez Walta

This is another one of Marvel's hidden gems. One of its greatest assets is its cast featuring some of my favorites Red Hulk, Flash Thompson as Venom, Elektra, The Punisher, and Deadpool; as well as two characters I wasn't familiar with Red Leader and Mercy. While many people criticize the art in this ongoing, I disagree and often find that Thunderbolts has some of the best, if not the best panel movement in comics today. That is to say that not only does every panel make sense but their progression is very reminiscent of cartoons, often adding hilarious twists to serious or macabre events, especially those involving Deadpool. This issue was mostly filler, but it was the good kind of filler, its purpose was to reintroduce readers to one of the lesser known characters, Red Leader, and show off his capabilities. and it did a superb job of it. This is another book I highly recommend giving a chance, especially since I wasn't bored to tears reading it despite it being a filler issue.

Inhumanity The Awakening Vol 1 1 Textless
Inhumanity The Awakening #1 (of 2)
Story: Matt Kindt
Art: Paul Davidson

This seems to be the continuation of Infinity: The Hunt... one of my least favorite tie-ins in the Infinity event. We have members of the Jean Grey School,  as well as other teenage heroes sorting out the aftermath of the Terrigen Bomb and the subsequent spawning of a plethora of Inhumans. I can't say I was a fan of the "twitter/social media presentation. It felt forced to me and also really broke up the motion of the panels and made it a chore to read. As for the story it was pretty generic, person gets power bullied for being mutant inhuman, bully then receives horrifying power and must be helped, see you in issue 2 so we can see person and bully reconcile. If you're a fan of the Inhuman's and are excited for their push this one is for you, but this was definitely not my cup of tea.

Invincible #107 (Ongoing)
Story: Robert Kirkman
Art: Ryan Ottley

Invincible is the first non-Marvel comic on this review and is also one of my favorites. Invincible is published by Image comic, probably better known for The Walking Dead, however before The Walking Dead hit it big, Invincible was one of Image's marquis titles with amazing writing and impressive art. Despite being a fairly standard "cape-comic", Invincible manages to stand out because of its deep and well fleshed out supporting cast as well as its awareness of the world around it. Unlike most comics where the world is seemingly frozen in time and stuck in a status quo that is always returned to despite cosmic warfare and near cataclysm; we see Invincible and the world around him change and react to the various events that occur around them. While this was a great issue, it isn't exactly the best place to start for those unfamiliar to the series. This issue begins with the metamorphosis of C-List Villain Dr. Seismic into something more sinister, in addition we get an aside that adds more depth to one of my favorite Invincible side stories, that of Monster Girl and Robot Rex's foray into a hostile dimension. However this is cut short by an attack by Seismic with his new found powers. The issue ends with Invincible finally catching the trail of his most fearsome villain, Angstrom Levy.
WWE Superstars #1 (of 4)
Story: Mick Foley
Art: Alitha Martinez

WWE Legend, and best selling Author Mick Foley can now add comic book writer to his long resume. This appears to be a throwback in its tone and art to newspaper crime strips like "The Phantom". As with all great epics we begin in media res, and apparently John Cena has not wonlol. In fact the former cop as we learn, just served a stint for stealing money in the bank (I see what you did there). We also see CM Punk as a loose cannon cop who doesn't follow anyone's rules, and sounding a lot like Rorschach. We also find John Cena's partner Randy Orton has now become a corrupt lawyer now running to become the corrupt district attorney, but one man seems to be standing in his way Daniel Bryan. In addition to these big names we see many others appearing as other detectives, police officers, or hired thugs. Not only was the story telling great, somehow combining preexisting wrestling story-lines with this new comics story allowing the reader to discern past events through their existing knowledge of the characters; it also managed to produce some amazing panels that I would love to blow up and put on my wall as posters

Infinity Gauntlet (Trade)
Story: Jim Starlin
Art: George Perez and Ron Lim

This is among the best in the Marvel Library and a must read for anyone trying to get into Cosmic Marvel and I'm glad I now have a physical copy to throw on my book shelf. I'm not gunna try and review this because there is so much to say and I'm confident someone else has already said it. I will however say that if you have a Marvel Fan in your life that got into the comics via the movies this would be a great holiday gift, just saiyan.

Well, that's it for my pull list this week. Let me know in the comments if you agree/disagree and I'm always looking for something new to read so make some suggestions as well and I'll try and get my hands on it.



Monday, December 9, 2013

RAW Review #2

So this week I got MY Xbone 720 (and Playstation 4) so I guess I have to do this weeks RAW review, as is tradition.  Similarly to last week, this pretty informal, a stream of consciousness, if you will.  There will typos, so forgive me.  Before I start might I say how silly it is to have the Slammy Awards as the "Go Home" show for this weekend's PPV, TLC? Bad for business, and as a stock holder, I'm not happy.


-  My lady has a deep seeded hatred for people who say "WARSHINGTON" in stead of "Washington".  JBL just revealed himself to be one of those people.  Also on that short list?  My old coach Butch M. F. Davis.

-  As Daniel Bryan's hair gets longer, he starts to look more and more like wrestling Jesus.

-  Fandango has a new blouse.  Swell.

-  This hometown crowd is hype for DBRY.  Expecting "DAN-YULL BRY-AN" chants during the main event promos again.

- I always mark for the flying headbutt.  Shades of Crispen Wah.


-  DAH

-  I love Bray's promos.  Why can't WWE Films make a horror movie based on this character? I'd see it in theaters.  Bray wants Bryan's beard.  It is too strong to allow it to exist outside the Beardicate.

-  OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW?  Classic Dumb and Dumber suits.  Where have I seen them lately?

-  Vince has a weird puke fetish.

-  I legit LOL'd at the snake charmers spot.  Good thing good ol' fashion racism is PG.

-  No Kosher Butcher up for the LOL Moment Award? The fix is on!

-  The Rock isn't there to accept?

-  I'm going to stop commenting on EVERYTHING to prevent this from getting too long…

-  I like Big E on the mic, but he's a bit awkward at commentary.  That's a tough job.  Where can I get those shirts doe?

- HABEEB IN THE BUSINESS CASUAL SHEEL.  The Handsome Hounds of Justice.

- If anyone but Mark wins consider my eggs boiled.

-  DBRY sure got crossed a lot this year.

-  >>implying your vote matters

-  I wonder if DA SHEEL hosting the Double Cross award is foreshadowing something?

-  My eggs are boiled.  Shawn I love you but this is going nowhere… unless it goes somewhere…

-  Hopefully this match ends with Miz getting legit kicked in the head.

-  If Eva Marie wins I'm going to snap my laptop in half. 

-  I still might snap my laptop in half.  THESE BOOS THO.  This is ugly…  No hometown pop for Nikki!

-  I like Skip Sheffield and McGilicutty… I mean Rybaxel.

-  Just noticed HBK has the Miz's minitron.  Cannot unsee.  I do like the return of scumbag Shawn.  One more match?

-  Oh snap… Dbry is going to win isn't he?  ITS HABBENING.

-  Wait why the Superstar of the Year away happening at the top of the second hour?

-  The superior Sin Cara!  I'm actually REALLY happy for Hunico.  Knowing how much he loves/loved being a masked luchador, its good to see that the better man is under the mask now.  It helps that I think he's one of the more underrated wrestlers on the roster.

-  Did they forget to put up the Nelson Mandela spot at the top of the show? Or is Justin Gabriel about to come out and wrestle?

No more of this foolishness with the son of Haku.


-  Unrelated, I kind of wish they'd give William Regal some of the credit for Daniel Bryan.

-  I don't know why I didn't think Daniel Bryan watches football.

-  Can we just call Hunico Cara "Sin Cara II"? I feel like the original name is tainted.

-  The Thing is not imaginary JBL! HES REAL TO ME.

- Titus getting BTFO.

-  Wait the Houston Texans cheerleaders Fandango'd?  I need to investigate…

-  Daniel Bryan might get 4 awards tonight.  Superstar of the Year, Fan Participation, Beard of the Year… maybe MotY?

-  Ascension Ceremony? That sounds like something the Freemasons do.

-  Xavier Woods is awesome.  I worry about what they're doing with him though.  Not to mention JBL seems to bury him at the announce table every week.

-  I was right to worry.  A five second match.  Now I mad.

-  Heres someone who believes in The Thing.  Ambrose vs. Punk? A bright spot on this dark night!

-  Gotta keep Steph strong!

-  Pretty awesome match.  Pretty long match too surprisingly.  Obviously there will be no finish.


-  I'll be sad to see the Shield go.  I look forward to "Face of the Company" Roman Reigns.  I do worry if creative is competent enough to handle this breakdown, however.

-  Cool promo for a meh match up.  I do like title vs. title matches.  Too bad they've all but ruined their credibility.

-  The iconic lonely neck beard in the crowd holding the FOLEY IS GOOD sign.

-  I think Mick just said Hambrose.

-  These extreme moments are hardly extreme…

-  I'm hoping that the Uso's get a total divas push to go with their face paint push.

Because this went so well.


-  Not so good RAWs really drag out when your tasked to review them.  I could be playing my next gens right now.

-  Bret Hurt pls.

-  The fact the Punk/Brock isn't a nominee but Haitch/Brock is is disgusting.


-  Divas match is main eventing.


-  Quickly! Cut to that clapping soldier and some children!

That match...

-  The RAW divas division is a joke.  AJ needs to just take her title to NXT and have a much more interesting title unification match.

- >Khali


-  You guys realize this isn't a good thing for you JBL and Cole?  This is the audience saying the company is wrong.


- THEY DONT WANT BRYAN THEY WANT BIG SHOW!  No?  How about Cena? Pls follow me ladies…

-  Bad place to have your not Daniel Bryan title unification.

-  The Roast of all the World Champions.


-  We shootin' now.

-  John Cena was not assumed into heaven during the Ascension Ceremony.  False advertisement.

-  Admittedly the breakdown at the end was pretty hype.  Despite HHH going over.

This RAW was BAD… and I expected it to be meh… which is sad considering that TLC (LIVE FROM HOUSTON) is this weekend.  Not only were the matches rushed by the forced award ceremony, but the general production of the show was predictable trash…  Although thought it was pretty cool that they had a crowd audible enough to call WWE out on its crappy fake voting.  Never the less, I look forward to going to Harmonic Convergence this Sunday.

Who will be the Avatar after the main event?!

What did you think of RAW?  Did you like it? Doubt it. But even if you did leave me a comment, or hit me up on twitter!